Scary season is here and while an accountant costume may not scare many people, here are three things that will frighten any accountant. 1. Balance sheets that don't...
Your guide to leasing during tough economic times It can be challenging to know how to reduce your risk profile in the current economic climate while ensuring your leasing strategies...
IFRS 16 is complicated. When it comes time to review your balance sheet and profit and loss accounts at the end of the reporting period, it can be challenging to...
Get to grips with exactly how your lease liability and other balance sheet accounts are calculated as of the balance date using the Daily Calculation Report (DCR). In this article,...
To an accountant, spreadsheets are a beautiful thing – and nothing quite compares to the feeling of control and mastery that constructing the perfect arrangement of columns and rows can...
You don’t need us to tell you how stressful year-end reporting can be. Each year we help hundreds of customer’s prepare for their year-end, and we know that each customer...
No, this is not a bad joke. What does a wine barrel, weather station, telecoms tower, and aeroplane all have in common? In the world of lease accounting, all of...
Our Head of Professional Services, Natasha Bull, shares with us some top tips for property and lease managers to better understand lease accounting and IFRS 16. If you’re not...
It is an exciting time for avid football fans when the English football season has begun, and the player transfer window is open. During this time, players move clubs both...
Since the widespread adoption of IFRS 16 in 2019, companies now face the task of understanding how every expected event over a lease lifetime impacts its present value which now...